Friday, May 25, 2007

This I Believe

I was a great fan of Hillary Clinton until she started her health care reform initiatives, back in the days when she was a junior first lady. Seeing her talk at her town hall meetings in her condescending, patronizing tone appalled me, and since then I've loathed her intensely. So I'm inclined to believe a quote from Bob Boorstein in one of the new books on Hillary: "I find her to be among the most self-righteous people I've ever known".

Sounds right.

I have no idea what I'll do if she becomes the Democratic nominee for president. I don't think I could bring myself to vote for her.

Thursday, May 17, 2007


As my son, who is graduating high school in a few weeks, tells me, prama is the drama that happens around the Prom. As in Prama Queen. Too much prama. I can't take all the prama...

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Astonishing Statistic

Among people in their early 20's, there are four times more male suicides than female. For the over-40 set, the ratio goes up to seven - seven times more male suicides than female. We women seem to be the ones that get depressed (or so I thought), but men are the ones that actually do something about it...