The NYTimes vs. Ambien
In the past week the NYTimes has run two large articles about the
unthinkable dangers of Ambien. The first claims that Ambien is now a
leading cause of traffic accidents, because, per the article, people take
Ambien, then get out of bed in their nightrobes, drive their car, pee in
their undies, crash their cars into trees...
The second claims that people taking Ambien get up in the middle of the
night, eat candy bars, forget the next day that they ate anything, end up
gaining 100 pounds with one year of use.
And of course, because it's the NYTimes, we're supposed to believe it...
Who was the PR guy (I assume for the competing sleeping pill, that I shall
not name, or perhaps a rabid anti-sleeping pill activist) that got these articles published? Who is it that edits that NYTimes, and doesn't realize these articles are ridiculous? Maybe Sophie
Just for the record, this entry is written by a huge Ambien fan, that hasn't
yet gained 100 pounds, hasn't even detected a missing candybar in her
pantry, and has yet to drive around in her nightgown while peeing in her
Anyone heard of a pharmacy site called I got great generic Ambien from them delivered to me in quickly. I used the promo code FIRST and I got $15.00 off my order. I know it is still valid since my friend just ordered...anyone else heard of I really like them! Sarah
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