Eureka! Lululemon just opened a store in Beverly Hills. The chic yoga clothes that I never buy because they have a little too much lycra and a little too little cotton in them. But ok - I acknowledge their cool designs, and that little logo that appears in multiple incarnations in almost every yoga class that I take.
But here's the deal. To celebrate their opening, they put a woman "performing" yoga right outside the store, on the sidewalk. For me it was skin crawlingly embarassing. I didn't want to watch her, but I couldn't avoid it. I was watching her every move. My head down and my eyes darting sideways for quick glances. She did a nice forearm stand, but why the funky side arm balance? Good warrior three... She's not that good looking - not quite a yoga come-on... I kept peeping and hoping she wouldn't notice, but of course she did, although she kept trying to make it look as though she didn't notice...
And of course what was really going through my head was this: How desperate for money do you have to be to take a gig doing yoga outside a Lululemon store? How absolutely horrible. Who at Lululemon dreamed up this inane idea, and why didn't someone tell them to stop?
You can rest assured that Lululemon isn't going to get any of my money. Not only because of that excess Lycra...