Monday, January 28, 2008

How Convenient!

I'm going out of town and have a long list of to-do's to be completed today, which means I have this semi choking feeling of I'll-never-get-all-this-done. Although I know that in the end I probably will.

But anyway, to my point: One of the items was to go to the post office and ask them to hold my mail while I'm away. I was concerned because I know a mail hold takes a few days to take effect, and I'm leaving tomorrow, so I'd need to ask one of my neighbors to pick up the mail for a couple of days. Yet one more thing to do.

And then I started wondering if possibly there could be an online way of doing this. "No", I thought. "The post office couldn't possibly be so efficient". But on a whim I typed "hold mail postal services" into Google, and lo and behold, the first hit is the USPS page that lets me enter, online, my hold mail request, no special questions or passwords needed, and active by tomorrow (in fact, as long as you enter the request by 2am, it can take effect the same day).

How cool is that?


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